Payment Methods
For your best online experience, offers to abroad shoppers the following methods of Payment:
2. Bank Deposit
You can make a Money Transfer of the full amount of your order, with no extra charge, by your convenient bank to the following Bank accounts.
* Please remember to include your full name to the Bank voucher.
** Kindly send us the voucher slip copy by email ( or Fax (+30 210 5699972) so as to speed up your order shipping.
Banking Accounts in IBAN Format:
PIRAEUS BANK: GR16 0172 0470 0050 4705 3272 228
3. PAYPAL and Credit Card Charge through PayPal System *(No extra charge from our side, crdit company charges may apply)
The clearennce proccess both is handled fully by PAYPAL, quaranteed of full safety and payment protection. During your payment proccess PAYPAL doesn't charge you the full ammount of the transaction but holds it until your order is accepted and executed by our Store. This quarantees you of any mistake or unwanted order.
PAYPAL is responsible for all the safety of the process insuring with the best possible way your transaction.
During the Credit Card payment proccess, you will be automaticly be redirected to a safety enviroment handled by a Paypal secure server. All your data will be transfered only to the bank quaranteing the all proccess securing them only to the Credit Card service of either VISA, Electron VISA, MasterCard altogether covered by a maximum security algorithm SSL 256-bit, the most advanced and powerfull worlwide. doesn't collect by any means or stores your sensitive data, so every time your make a transaction you should repeat the proccess. We will never ask you to send us or renew your payment data so kindly don't do so in case of fraud or phishing messages using our store name or logos.